Margaret Keys
Known as a creative force and innovator, Rebecca’s mentor, Margaret Keys, has worked with clients across the globe for more than 34 years. Her corporate clients are primarily high tech. In addition, she has worked in the arenas of law and politics. She has coached and consulted with executives in a number of disciplines.
Dr. Glenn Pfau
Presentation Skills training
The “Evil” Dr. Pfau was a legend in Presentation Skills training. He trained thousands of people around the world in how to deliver effective, impactful and heartfelt messages to any audience. Most well known for his work with the Seal Teams he also worked with Fortune 500 companies, various government agencies and countless individual. Considered the “Evil” Doctor by those who knew him best. His “tell it like it is” approach left many speechless in the beginning of his programs, but created life-long advocates by the end of the session. I learned from him how to connect deeply with participants, speak truth, throw things and book a full year in advance.